Financials Overview

Below are a set of steps to request for ESAC funding:

  1. Fill out the budget request form by the second and fourth Sunday of each month, and before your event occurs. Please follow these funding guidelines and describe what the allocation will be used for.

  2. Look out for a confirmation email from Penn ESAC. Follow-ups will be sent out if more information if needed before request approval.

  3. Fill out an expense report on Concur under the expense tab. Be sure to include a screenshot of ESAC confirmation email and receipts of purchase. Follow this guide to fill out Concur. If there are issues, please email your liaison for more information.

  4. Reimbursements should be provided in a few business days upon Expense Report Approval to the account listed on Concur.

Treasurers, below are a list of all the forms. Don't forget that all financial forms are due to Also remember that reimbursements must be made through Concur and not through cash. If you have questions, please view the “2024 ESAC Funding Guidelines” & "2024 Budget Guidelines and Timeline" documents for help.

Financial Forms & Documents

2025 ESAC Budget Requests

Fill out this form to request funds for your club. Budget Request Form

2025 Club Funding Guidelines

Information on rules of thumb, event types, what cannot be funded, and operations expense. Guidelines

2025 Budget REQUEST STEPS and Timeline

Steps to follow when submitting a budget request. Timeline.